Weight Management and Nutritional Timing
End dietary disappointment with Fat Loss Unlocked…
Nutritional Timing
Nutritional timing allows us to enjoy all of the foods that we would normally eat without concerns of unwanted weight gain. Knowing how to combine the right foods at the right time can be used advantageously for rapid or slow absorption, especially for those wanting to add muscular mass or cut body fat. How does all this work? When done correctly, muscle fibers recover quickly and cells begin signaling the need to either use or store potential energy.
Building a muscular frame can help the body function more easily and recover faster. Constantly providing nutrients to the muscle fibers will not only increase the metabolism but will also burn fat calories just from keeping the body at a constant state of work. Mixing it up with HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) rather than only lifting weights can also offer increased benefits. Increasing either intensity or the weight itself while maintaining good form has proven to be very effective.
Tips: The use of Nutritional Timing and what’s being done outside the gym can account for much more than the amount of actual weight being lifted. Don’t confine yourself to only one program, mixing it up helps to enjoy the effort put forth. To avoid tolerance adaptation combine different types of training while automatically enhancing biological cell communication. Gain muscular strength, burn body fat and maintain the results for life. Discover the Science Behind The Muscle and lose weight without limiting calories. No gimmicks, no starvation, just follow the e-Guide and see results within just days.
Protein Sources: are essential amino acids, the building blocks that provide nourishment to the muscle fibers. Concerning endogenous production of amino acids, the human body can create some but the important essential amino acids are gained from smart dietary habits. Protein differences and knowing the proper supplementation for post workout intervals is very important. Many say protein timing is important and some say it’s not important… well then why all the controversy over the subject? Nutritional Timing works for some but not for everyone. @FatLossUnlocked we believe everything should be questioned and always recommend finding what works best for you! In any case, beware of supplementation with the wrong types of protein, know the differences between what contains Whey and Casein and how they breakdown and absorb while targeting WOO’s (Windows of Opportunities) and using digestive enzymes – for rapid or slow transport. After an intense workout, it is important to consume whey protein, triggering the signal for amino acids to be released into the muscles for growth and replenishment of the muscle fibers. When following the 30/3 Rule within the supplementation phase, never exceed 30 minutes without eating the right source of protein within the post workout WOO. In order to maximize the transport of amino acids and efficiently burn more calories, a little tip can be observed with the use of digestive enzymes.
Understanding the differences among proteins and knowing how to target either rapid or slow absorption can be extremely beneficial and provide enhanced results. It helps to understand the Science Behind The Muscle and make necessary changes before it becomes out of control.
From Fat Loss Unlocked
Understanding Nutritional Timing
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The Science Behind The Muscle
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The Science Behind The Muscle
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Research shows that fibrous dense nutrients can slow the metabolization of high starch sugars and reduce insulin spikes. Fat Loss Unlocked is a weight management company that understands the importance of delivering fast results.
Vitamin-C and Pectin: Once digested and absorbed into the blood, antioxidants contain chemicals that assist in the removal of free radicals from the body. Antioxidants also promote cellular permeability making it easier for nutrient molecules (through osmotic response) to move into and out of cells. Certain fruits that contain Vitamin-C provide a chemical that lessens the density of cell membranes which prime the cells for the active transport of molecules. This can get a little tricky but is covered in depth within the PH Balance section of e-Guide v3. The simple answer about antioxidants is that they promote cellular permeability.
Replenishing Muscle Fibers: Beyond achievable muscle gains and fat loss results, we want ketone bodies sending all the right signals in order to Build Muscle & Burn Body Fat. Research shows that fibrous dense nutrients can slow the metabolization of high starch sugars and reduce insulin spikes within the body. This is why it’s so important to create the right mix of nutrients for optimal protein absorption, providing both muscle gain and fat loss simultaneously.
Digestive Enzymes and Negative Calories: A protease is a type of enzyme that functions mainly to assist with the breakdown of proteins. The breakdown process is known as hydrolysis (which occurs throughout homeostasis) and converts proteins into smaller peptides and BCAA’s (Branched Chain Amino Acids). Digestive enzymes aid in the rapid breakdown of proteins and the bonding of molecules known as Hydrolysis. BEWARE! There is a right and wrong time to eat digestive enzymes, get this wrong and unwanted weight gain is sure to follow. The answers to this trivial balancing act are inside the e-Guide @FatLossUnlocked.
What’s the BIG deal about Negative Calorie Foods? Fat Loss Unlocked has used this method for over 20 years and has not missed the mark once. Learn how to use Negative Calorie Foods to your advantage every day. Since the inception of Fat Loss Unlocked “Science Behind The Muscle” B. Price, ‘02, people have experienced amazing results after incorporating the e-Guide principles into their daily lives.
H2O: Proper hydration aids in muscle production and recovery, water helps provide active transport of nutrient molecules. Just as water helps to shuttle in the good it also has a role in transporting waste from the body. Muscle tissue is made up of approximately 79% water, which explains why even a slight decrease in fluid intake or dehydration can reduce muscle strength and lead to muscle atrophy. Adequate hydration is instrumental in replenishing electrolytes and reducing DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) from lactic acid build up - exercise-related inflammation. Studies have shown that water consumption can reduce fat cell accumulation as well. Water also helps to equalize the body and maintain equilibrium across the cells, providing balance and optimal performance in the gym and within normal body function.
Metabolism: You can increase your metabolism by a number of different ways but it really comes down to two main things: Nutrients & Physical Activity. Eating the right foods at the right time allows us to gain an advantage while controlling insulin spikes during rapid or slow nutrient absorption. All of this is broken down inside the e-Guide… what, when, why and how it’s done!
Adopt “Dietary Habits” based on Fat Loss Unlocked principles and you will “NEVER GO ON A DIET AGAIN”
ADIPOCYTE A fat cell that accumulates and stores fats.
ADIPOSE TISSUE Loose connective tissue in which fat cells accumulate.
AMINO ACIDS Any class of organic compounds that contain at least one amino group, and one carboxyl group. The alpha-amino acids are the building blocks from which proteins are constructed.
CATALYZE To bring about the catalysis, a chemical reaction where an enzyme catalyzes the breakdown of sugars.
FREE RADICALS An atom produced in the body by natural process or introduced by an outside source ( Tobacco smoke, toxins, pollutants) and that can damage cells and protein by altering their structure
GLYCEMIC Glucose in the blood.
HOMEOSTASIS Maintaining a stable internal physiological condition; such as body temp or pH of blood.
HYDROLYSIS A chemical process involving the splitting of a bond and the addition of hydrogen and hydroxide.
METABOLISM The chemical changes in living cells by which energy is provided.
METABOLIC RATE Time unit estimated by food consumption, energy released as heat or oxygen used in the metabolic processes.
MOLECULE The smallest particle of a substance that retains all the properties of said substance.
OSMOTIC RESPONSE The change in the solute concentration around a cell which causes a change in the water movement across that cell membrane.
PH LEVELS It stands for power of hydrogen which is a measure of the hydrogen ion in the body.
POTASSIUM An essential nutrient used to maintain electrolyte and fluid balance in the body. It is needed in the body for the proper function of the heart, kidneys, brain and muscle tissues.
THERMIC EFFECT Amount of energy used by body to process food for use and storage.
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