
Healthy weight loss

Healthy Weight Loss isn’t always about eating a “healthy diet” but more of an active lifestyle combined with eating “the right foods at the right time” which can be very helpful when trying to lose weight. Unfortunately, most people tend to stop their dietary regimen too early, usually because they don’t see weight loss results fast enough.


Maintaining a healthy weight and achieving desired results undoubtedly rests with the effort provided. However, is it possible that limiting foods and restricting calories just isn’t enough? While considering atrophic muscle loss, are we really sure of the long term impact that caloric deficiencies may have? Are you aware of how to either separate or combine the right foods at the right time for optimized results? Understanding the nutritional timing of basic foods can further improve personal goals, even without all the disciplined dieting plans that are available today. Limited calorie diets and strict meal plans just aren’t life-long sustainable, but understanding only a few differences in basic foods can make a world of difference. An additional benefit can be observed with rapid or slow nutrient absorption.


Put in the simplest of terms, knowing how and when to combine certain foods in order to achieve fat loss and muscle gain. This aspect of nutrition isn’t only meant for muscle building enthusiasts and athletes but is also advisable for anyone wanting to lose weight or gain size. Anabolic and catabolic processes that are happening before, during and after workouts can benefit from glycogen replenishment at key times. Anyway, you cannot have a discussion about nutrient timing and not talk about the “anabolic window” so what is it? Why digestion matters…


According to some fitness experts and trainers, the catabolic process that takes place in the body during intense workouts or intense weight lifting, there is a window of opportunity (which is said to be approx. 30-45 minutes) after a workout in which the individual should consume protein in order to provide rapid recovery to the muscle fibers. Is this true? As already highlighted above, nutrient timing isn’t only meant for personal trainers or athletes but also for those trying to manage body weight or even diabetes when insulin sensitive or insulin resistant. So ingesting the right type of macronutrients at the right time and knowing how and when to add or remove fibrous dense foods can assist in creating or reducing insulin spikes.

How to go About Nutrient Timing



Understanding how to combine the right foods at the right time! What’s the difference between Whey and Casein Protein?

Is cutting out carbohydrates really the answer? Is Intermittent Fasting the answer? If you’ve already tried everything and are now thinking that calorie restrictive diets are the way to go, think again. We don’t have to remove all sugars and starches from out diet.

Important tips concerning nutrient timing the right way:

Always eat a balanced meal of protein and carbohydrates pre-workout and post-workout, this is because simply eating just protein or only carbohydrates before or after a workout may not be as effective. Carbohydrates provide the energy required to power your body through a workout, while certain proteins can take a long time to digest and metabolize; combining digestive enzymes (within this phase) can add a whole new level of recovery. Always ingest the right amount before the workout in order to optimize protein synthesis.

It is always a good idea to eat breakfast because it helps reduce the amount of blood glucose released into the body during the day thereby keeping insulin spikes at low level.

Ingesting “simple carbohydrates” immediately after a workout in order to improve muscle strength, replenish muscle glycogen can also improve recovery time.

Fiber-rich carbs (complex carbohydrates) can be eaten in the right portions at most times of the day because they contain less simple sugar and provide more fiber.

It goes without saying that nutrient timing is an important factor but even more importantly, it’s important to pay attention to your body and learn what works for you. If you’re not sure, schedule a consult with a nutritionist to help plan your diet and see how to effectively apply nutritional timing.


Eat the foods we all enjoy... Pizza, Ice Cream, Bread, Rice etc and still lose weight! See how to combine the right foods at the right time.


There’s no need to cut out all high starch & processed foods as complete “AVOIDANCE” is just not possible nor sustainable. It’s better to learn how to use nutrient rich foods to your advantage. Eating the right foods at the right time “most of the time” can yield AMAZING results... allowing you to enjoy some junk food along the way.

The Science Behind The Muscle

Research shows that fibrous dense nutrients can slow the metabolization of high starch sugars and reduce insulin spikes. Fat Loss Unlocked is a weight management company that understands the importance of delivering fast results.


Yes! Weight loss goals can be achieved through proper nutrient mixing alone, nutritional timing can provide several advantages. By combining the right nutrients at the right time we control insulin spikes and overall fat cell accumulation, desired results can be accomplished just by knowing how to separate or combine certain foods.

Also, a variation in dietary habits, mixing it up just as we do with weight training can offer great results as well. The body is wired for survival and will eventually adapt to almost all imposed methods so mix it up and avoid tolerance adaptation on all fronts.

Concerning both intermittent fasting and meal frequency, some only support one or the other. However, it’s those that find balance among different variations that seem to be the most successful within their weight management goals - gaining muscle or losing weight… “MIX IT UP & AVOID TOLERANCE ADAPTATION” w/ FAT LOSS UNLOCKED E-Guide v3, The Latest Version


Once digested and absorbed, antioxidants contain food chemicals that assist in the removal of free radicals from the body. Antioxidants also promote cellular permeability making it easier for nutrient molecules (through osmotic response) to move into and out of cells. Certain fruits that contain Vitamin-C provide a chemical that lessens the density of cell membranes which prime the cells for the active transport of molecules. This can get a little tricky so let’s stick to the basics for now and discuss why antioxidants are so important. This is also covered a little more in depth within the PH Balance section of e-Guide v3. The simple answer about antioxidants: They promote cellular permeability.



Beyond achievable muscle gains and fat loss results, we want cerebral messages and ketone bodies sending all the right signals in order to Build Muscle & Burn Body Fat. Research shows that fibrous dense nutrients can slow the metabolization of high starch sugars and reduce insulin spikes within the body. This is why it’s so important to create the right mix of nutrients for optimal protein absorption, providing both muscle gain and fat loss.


A protease is a type of enzyme that functions mainly to assist with the breakdown of proteins. The breakdown process is known as hydrolysis (which occurs throughout homeostasis) and converts proteins into smaller peptides and BCAA’s (Branched Chain Amino Acids). Digestive enzymes aid in the rapid breakdown of proteins and the bonding of molecules known as Hydrolysis. BEWARE! There’s a RIGHT and WRONG time to eat digestive enzymes with certain foods, get this wrong and unwanted weight gain is sure to follow. The answers to this trivial balancing act can be found inside the e-Guide @FatLossUnlocked.

What’s the BIG deal about negative calorie foods? Most Neg-Cal foods are plant based and are rich in fiber, remember that fibrous dense foods take longer to digest; causing the body to remain in a steady state of work while breaking down the complexity of these foods. Fat Loss Unlocked has tested this system for over a decade and now teaches people how to use Negative Calorie Foods to their advantage.


Proper hydration aids in muscle production and recovery, water helps provide active transport of nutrient molecules within biological cell communication. Just as water helps shuttle in the good it also has a role in transporting waste out of the body. Muscle tissue is made up of approx 79% water, which explains why even a slight decrease or dehydration can reduce muscle strength and lead to muscle atrophy. Adequate hydration is instrumental in replenishing electrolytes and reducing DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) lactic acid build up - exercise-related inflammation. Studies have shown that water consumption can reduce fat cell accumulation. Water helps to equalize the body and maintain equilibrium across the cells, providing balance and optimal performance in both the gym and normal body function.


You can increase your metabolism by a number of different ways. However, it really comes down to two main things: Food & Physical Activity. Eating certain foods at the right time will efficiently target windows of opportunity and allow you to gain an advantage by knowing which foods to eat for either rapid or slow nutrient absorption. To get the best bang for your effort, you should know how to control the absorption of your protein and glycogen, how much and some differences. All of this is broken down inside the e-Guide… what, when, why and how it’s done!

Diet and Exercise… By eating the right nutrient dense foods and exercising, heart rate elevation will occur which in turn speeds up active transport within fluids. In this case, blood plasma is the fluid; this active transport of nutrients causes an increase in the speed of the metabolism. Simply put, if you have just finished a work out then you should know exactly how to replenish the cells for optimal recovery. However, if you are just sitting around idling at a lower heart rate then it would all be different. Getting this wrong can introduce serious disadvantages toward achievable goals.

Fat Loss Unlocked, LLC

Fat Loss Unlocked

Guide to Healthy Eating

What’s your ideal weight loss goals? See how to burn fat and keep the weight from coming back!

Weight Loss

When trying to burn body fat, it’s only natural that all of us would hope for fast results. However, it’s much more effective when done correctly, 3-5 pounds per week is ideal for most people once they’ve dialed in on their own effective weight loss principles… Get Started

Pineapple for Digestive Enzymes, Fat Loss Unlocked

Digestive Enzymes

With just one hour of reading at Fat Loss Unlocked people can quickly see how certain foods can either slow down or speed up the digestion of nutrients, just by eating the right combination of foods - such as pineapple and/or vegetables with their meal.