I hear it all the time “there’s only two different types of workouts” however, there is actually 3 different types of workouts. Each type of workout will target different muscle fibers dependent upon the level of intensity and duration.
Targets Type I muscle fibers which generate less power and strength, but are responsible for providing endurance and offering stamina, similar to that of marathon runners. Aerobic activity helps generate Adenosine Triphosphate Production (ATP) and triggers the release of growth hormone within the body.
Targets Type Il muscle fibers which are responsible for generating more power and strength. Lifting weights is a great way to burn calories while depleting and replenishing muscle glycogen, which will prime the generation of red blood cells, helping the body to begin protein synthesis, breaking down and absorbing more protein.
What is a light workout? Take a brisk morning walk, some light jogging, cycling, swimming, etc. – Any type of workout that involves light to moderate elevated heart rate, including anaerobic (weight training) activity is great for fat burn. Early morning fat-burn can be kept to a low to moderate heart rate.
If weight training is involved then we should eat a pre-workout meal because breaking down too much muscle fiber without eating first would expend too much energy and lead to muscle atrophy. The morning fat burn is effective first thing of the day because it allows light to moderate activity and jump starts the thermic burn – additional caloric burn throughout the day.
This is when the body burns stored body fat. The body burns two fuel sources for energy, fat or carbs (glucose) so if there are no “carbs in the tank” then the body will burn stored body fat while creating heat so the body can maintain core temperature. The body can also achieve the greatest thermic effect from the “fat burn” workout right after waking up. Just remember to eat within 30 minutes of post workout…
Any of the three workouts mentioned earlier will burn calories, therefore ultimately burning off unwanted body fat. However, the fat burn works best if done right after waking up and using the Thirty/Three (30/3) Rule. Fat Loss Unlocked covers food samples throughout this guide so don’t worry, I will explain what to eat several times within this guide to ensure overall weight management success.
Wake up, work out and then eat within 30 minutes of working out, and that’s it! Same thing after working out with weights or after a cardio type workout, eat within 30 minutes after any workout. Just be sure to remember, rapid protein and simple carb intake is best at post workout intervals for rapid protein absorption. By targeting these windows of opportunity, the body will catalyze the protein into essential amino acids in order to facilitate nutrient transport for muscle growth and repair. Putting the body to work by digesting and absorbing nutrients for repairing & sustaining muscle. This is where all the caloric deficits come into play; especially with knowing how to use negative calorie foods.
NOTE: elevate your heart rate and follow the Fat- Burn rules. Always stretch after each workout. Stretching your muscles will release lactic acid and other toxins from the muscle fibers which will minimize delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).